Junta Asesora de Salud Conductual del Suroeste de Washington


It is the mission of the SWWA BHAB to bring the Consumer’s Voice and other regional experts together to advise key organizations on Behavioral Health and Holistic care concerns in our community.

The SWWA BHAB meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 4pm-5pm.

FINAL BHAB Flyer Updated 5.1.23
BHAB Membership Application 5.1.23

***Due to COVID19 and ensuring the well being of members and attendees, all future SWWA BHAB meetings will be conducted via Teams until further notice*** Meeting/Teams Details in Agenda 

Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Dona Allison al Dona.Allison@carelon.com

2024 Meetings

enero Agenda Minutos
febrero Agenda Minutos
marzo Agenda Minutos
abril Agenda Minutos
Mayo Agenda Minutos
junio Agenda Minutos
julio Agenda  
agosto Sin reunión  
septiembre Agenda Minutos
octubre Agenda Minutos
noviembre Agenda Minutos
diciembre Agenda Minutos

Minutos anteriores