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Bronnen van providers

Carelon Behavioral Health, Inc. is the Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization (BH-ASO) in three Washington regions: Southwest, North Central, and Pierce County.

Aanbiederformulieren bekijken

The 988 line is confidential, free, and available 24/7/365, connecting those experiencing a mental health, substance use, or suicidal crisis with trained crisis counselors. Those who are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support can also dial 988.

Informational PDF

HCA 988 Overview

Kolom 2

Aanvullende gegevens over gedragsgezondheid

Carelon Behavioral Health is contracted with all 5 Managed Care Organizations as the single entity to collect Medicaid Behavioral Health Supplemental Data (BHSD) in all Integrated Managed Care regions in Washington State, except for King County.

BHSD-gegevensverzamelingKolom 3


"ProviderConnect makes routine tasks such as processing claims, obtaining claims information, and verifying eligibility status easy and convenient."

ProviderConnect Resources
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